There Are Symmetric Matrices That Are Not Orthogonally Diagonalizable

There are symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable – In the realm of linear algebra, there are symmetric matrices that defy the norm of orthogonal diagonalizability. This article delves into this intriguing exception, exploring the reasons behind it and its implications on matrix operations and applications.

Symmetric matrices possess unique properties, including their eigenvalues being real and their eigenvectors being orthogonal. However, not all symmetric matrices can be diagonalized using an orthogonal matrix.

1. Symmetry and Orthogonal Diagonalizability

Matrix orthogonal diagonalization symmetric

Symmetric Matrices

A matrix A is symmetric if A = A T, where A Tis the transpose of A. Symmetric matrices have real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors.

Orthogonal Diagonalizability

A matrix A is orthogonally diagonalizable if there exists an orthogonal matrix P such that P -1AP = D, where D is a diagonal matrix.


The following matrices are symmetric and orthogonally diagonalizable:

  • A = [1 0; 0 1]
  • A = [0 1; -1 0]
  • A = [1 2; 2 5]

2. Exceptions to Orthogonal Diagonalizability

There are symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable


There exist symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable.


A symmetric matrix is not orthogonally diagonalizable if it has a complex eigenvalue or if its eigenvectors are not orthogonal.

Conditions for Orthogonal Diagonalizability

A symmetric matrix is orthogonally diagonalizable if and only if all its eigenvalues are real and distinct, and its eigenvectors are orthogonal.

3. Properties of Non-Orthogonally Diagonalizable Symmetric Matrices


Symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable have the following characteristics:

  • They have at least one complex eigenvalue.
  • Their eigenvectors are not orthogonal.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

The eigenvalues of a non-orthogonally diagonalizable symmetric matrix are always real, but they may not be distinct.

Matrix Operations

The inverse and determinant of a non-orthogonally diagonalizable symmetric matrix may be difficult to calculate.

4. Examples and Applications: There Are Symmetric Matrices That Are Not Orthogonally Diagonalizable

There are symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable


The following matrices are symmetric but not orthogonally diagonalizable:

  • A = [1 2; 2 4]
  • A = [1 2; 2 5]


Symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable have applications in:

  • Physics (e.g., quantum mechanics)
  • Engineering (e.g., vibration analysis)
  • Statistics (e.g., principal component analysis)


The non-orthogonal diagonalizability of these matrices can limit their usefulness in certain applications.

Questions and Answers

What are the necessary conditions for orthogonal diagonalizability?

A symmetric matrix is orthogonally diagonalizable if and only if it has distinct eigenvalues.

Can all symmetric matrices be orthogonally diagonalizable?

No, there exist symmetric matrices that are not orthogonally diagonalizable.

What are the implications of non-orthogonal diagonalizability on matrix operations?

Non-orthogonal diagonalizability affects matrix operations such as finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and performing matrix exponentiation.